Interior Architecture

Interior Architecture

Our Interior Architectural Services offer thoughtful redesign and remodelling of existing structures to enhance their layout and functionality. From adaptive reuse and conversions to obtaining planning permission, we provide comprehensive solutions for interior architectural alterations.

Interior Architectural Services

Interior Architectural Services encompass the sensitive re-design and remodelling of existing buildings to improve the layout and function.

An Interior Architectural Designer is a specialist in working with existing buildings to reconfigure and improve internal layouts. Adaptive reuse, conversions, and internal alterations may all be considered interior architecture. We can help improve the flow of your space, adapt internal floor plans to be more efficient, and improve the connection between different areas of your home.

If the interior of your building would be improved with architectural interventions, for example, additional openings or removing a wall, we can help you achieve this. These alterations may trigger the need for planning permission, and with our architectural experience and knowledge, we can guide you through this process and produce the required drawings and supporting documents.

Interior Architecture

The advantage of hiring an interior architectural designer is that they can design and develop these internal architectural alterations with a keen awareness and vision for the interior design. Interior Architectural Services provides the perfect foundation for an interior design package.

An interior architectural designer would meet with you to discuss your spatial requirements and fully understand what you would like to achieve. They would produce proposed floor plans for discussion, before finalising the scheme and drawing any elevations as necessary (internal and external). Once the scheme is agreed, we can guide you through the planning application process if required.

Please get in touch to discuss building a bespoke package for Interior Architectural services. We would be delighted to pair this with our interior design services too.

Book a design consultation
If you would like to discuss a project or have any questions about our service, we would be delighted to have a chat.

How we work

Our proposals are led by the relationships we develop with our clients. Working with Elizabeth Nixon Interiors is a personal experience with regular communication. This ensures that together we maintain a clear design direction and produce spaces that are equally beautiful and responsive to the needs of every client.

Brief & Preparation

We invest time with our clients to understand them and their interior aspirations. We begin with a consultation to discuss project requirements and establish a clear brief. This ensures we understand the outcome our clients are looking to achieve, and project resources such as budget and timeline. We then provide every client with an personalised fee proposal, which details the services we would be delighted to offer, and offers a little more in-depth information about our design process.

Concept Design

Concept Design is the exciting and creative part of the process where the design direction takes shape. We produce mood boards to explore styles and material palettes to test textures and colours. As the scheme progresses we produce coloured internal elevations of key spaces to visualise the interior. Floor plans are developed for spatial coordination, furniture layouts and electrical and lighting layouts.

Technical Design

This is where the design evolves into a technical package, including specifications, joinery details, and schedules that itemise every fixture and finish required to bring the design to life. The level of detail we are able to provide is flexible, and we will adapt our services to suit your project requirements. This design package can be used to inform tender documents for construction.

Cost Planning & Procurement

Depending on the pathway that is most suitable for the project, we are able to offer a full procurement service which includes obtaining quotations whilst working to the project budget and co-ordinating deliveries. We will resolve issues should they arise, and always endeavour to provide our clients with the best possible price. Many suppliers offer Trade pricing, allowing us to make purchases on your behalf at a discounted rate.


We have the resources and experience to successfully oversee the on-site implementation of our projects. Our aim is to provide a smooth and enjoyable construction process, in addition to ensuring the work is executed to a high standard and in accordance with our specifications.We liaise with contractors and tradespeople, helping to make the construction phase seamless and assist with any questions from yourself or contractors along the way. We are also happy to assist with securing those finishing touches to style and elevate your interior.